Energy & Retrofit

We work with the community to help people save money on their energy bills by either providing free advice or signposting to professional services for home energy assessments.

We also offer the loan of an infrared heat camera for a small refundable deposit, which will show where the most heat is being lost from your home. More details here.

Watch this space for news of a community energy project for Garforth!

What is Retrofitting?

Retrofitting is work on an existing home to make it more energy efficient.

This is anything from insulating the loft, fitting draft excluders right through to the whole Passiv Haus scenario.

Listen to members of Eco-Friendly Garforth on Chapel FM talk about retrofitting and thermal images.

Homes contribute about 22% of our emissions as a country according to the Energy Savings Trust.

Retrofitting, and using less energy, helps the planet by reducing the carbon emissions from fuel production.

View our Energy Saving Handbook here: